This 8180A Data Generator offers comfortable data pattern editing and convenient softkey operation. It provides a 1Hz to 50MHz data rate and can be utilized with an 8182A Data Analyzer (sold separately) to make up a complete system. The 8180A comes standard with 8 NRZ (non-return-to-zero). You have two clock channels with 100 ps resolution for delay and width, 1 kbit memory/channel, and available transition times of 3.5 ns for TTL, typically 1.5 ns for ECL! Output level is quite sufficient for most applications; -2 V to +17 V into open (-2 V to +5.5 V into 50-ohms with 10 mV resolution). Fully HP-IB programmable allows for manual or automated operation. If you need more channels, add an 8181A Data Generator Extender (sold separately).
Option 001 = Adds 4 additional NRZ channels
Option 002 = Adds 4 additional RZ channels