Voltage Calibrators : Krohn Hite 4200A


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The 4200 is an excellent low-cost oscillator. Provides a sine wave output covering the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz (2% accuracy) with 1/2 W of power at less than 0.1% distortion. 50 ohm impedance minimizes signal losses due to resistive and capacitive loading and the 1/2 W of power is essential for driving loads without overloading. A fixed 1 V output independent of the main output can be used for synchronizing a scope or as an auxiliary output. An infinite resolution dial and push-button multiplier provides rapid and continuous frequency tuning. Amplitude calibration of .2 dB accuracy is obtained by an 8 position push-button attenuator calibrated in 10 dB steps. A continuous output control combined with the attenuator provides 90 dB of attenuation. Easy-to-use and at a great price the 4200 is well suited for a wide range of applications
  • 制造商: Krohn Hite
  • 模型: 4200A