Receivers Other Types of Equipment : Rohde Schwarz ESCS30


Rohde Schwarz ESCS30
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The Rohde - Schwarz ESCS30 is an EMI Test Receiver. The ESCS30 really combines three measuring devices in one: a RF, a IF and a time section analyzer. And despite its compact size, its very big on features: an uninterrrupted frequency band from 9 kHz to 2.75 GHz, a LC colour display with VGA resolution, a spectrum analysis with a 10 MHz display range, memory capabilities for 30.000 measurements and a monitoring time frame that goes from 5 ms to 2 hours.

Even in its basic version EMI Test Receiver ESCS30 an important extension to the worldwide successful ESHS/ESVS/ESS family is a fullcompliance test receiver to CISPR and VDE. It performs EMC measurements to standards with outstanding precision, immunity to overload, dynamic range and selection. The built-in time domain analysis allows examination of interference versus time. When used for precertification testing of electrical equipment at the development stage, ESCS30 detects critical frequencies and serves for product optimization. This reduces development and manufacturing costs, increases price calculation reliability and makes for a successful product.

Features of ESCS30 include:
- Measurement Uncertainty <1 dB (typ. <0.5 dB)
- Ten Integrated Preselectors
- Selectable Preamplifier 10 dB
- CISPR Bandwidths 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHz
- Detectors (Peak, Average, Quasipeak) with parallel output of results and bargraph display on color monitor
- Direct Selection of CISPR Measurement Ranges with bandwidth, step width and measurement time
- Automatic Scan of Frequency Ranges and lists with up to 400 different frequencies
- Automatic Level Calibration and Builtin Selftest Function
- Macros for RFI Voltage, RFI Power and RFI Field-Strength Measurements
- Nonvolatile Storage of Complete Instrument Setups as well as Limit Lines and Frequency-Dependent Correction Factors of Antennas and Accessories
- Storage of Results, Limit and Correction Values on built-in 3.5" Disk Drive
- Time Domain Analysis with display range from 5 ms to 1 h, manual trigger (internal and external), userselectable zooming of up to 30,000 measured values

ESCS-B1 = 2 Battery Controller
ESCS-B4 = IF Analysis
ESCS-B5 = Tracking Generator
ESCS-B6 = Reference Oscillator
ESCS-B9 = RMS Detector
  • 制造商: Rohde Schwarz
  • 模型: ESCS30