Modules Accessories and Upgrades : Tektronix 80C07-CR1


Tektronix 80C07-CR1
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Multi-rate Optical Sampling Module

The CSA/TDS8000 Series Sampling Oscilloscopes, when configured with one
or more optical sampling modules, provide complete optical test solutions for Telecom (155 Mbps to 43.018 Gbps) or Datacom (Fibre Channel, Gigabit Ethernet, 10 GbE and InfiniBand) applications, as well as general purpose optical component testing.

Each optical module includes all the elements necessary for optical testing:
Optical to electrical converter
Average power monitor
One or more reference receiver filters
  • 1
    A full bandwidth optical path
    A low-noise electrical sampler
  • 2
    Optional clock recovery
    Universal optical input connector
    • 制造商: Tektronix
    • 模型: 80C07-CR1