Modules Accessories and Upgrades : Tektronix 80E01


Tektronix 80E01
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The Tektronix 80E01 is a single-channel, 50 GHz bandwidth sampling module. The 80E01 has a measured bandwidth =50 GHz and a calculated rise time =7.0 ps. Displayed noise is typically 1.8 mV RMS . The front-panel connector is female 2.4 mm and an SMA adapter is provided (2.4 mm male to 2.92 mm female) to maintain compatibility with SMA connector systems.

Tektronix 80E01 Features & Benefits
  • 50 GHz Bandwidth
  • Single Channel
  • 2.4mm Precision Connector
    • 制造商: Tektronix
    • 模型: 80E01