Circuit Analyzers : Huntron Tracker 2700


Huntron Tracker 2700
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Huntron Tracker 2700 Circuit Tester

(The Huntron Tracker 2700 is discontinued as of January 2009 and replaced by the Huntron Tracker 2800 -View the New Huntron Tracker 2800 Here)

The Huntron Tracker 2700 is designed to assist in troubleshooting analog and digital circuitry. Its low voltage ranges make it ideal for testing passive devices such as capacitors while still in-circuit.

The Huntron Tracker 2700 is an ideal addition to the service engineer's bench or as a compliment to a Huntron ProTrack I system. Using a power off test method known as Tracker Signature Analysis, it eliminates the risk of further circuit damage, which often occurs when power is applied.

Troubleshooting Challenges

Modern complex switching power supplies with fail-safe protection circuits contain many passive components that are difficult to test in circuit due to parallel solid state devices. The 200mV range of the Tracker 2700 allows resistors, capacitors and inductors to be analyzed without turning on the parallel solid state devices. The passive devices are essentially tested "out of circuit".

Today's portable electronic devices use 3 volt or lower logic circuits. The low test voltage ranges of the Tracker 2700 make it an ideal tool to troubleshoot these products. The Tracker 2700 features variable ranges parameters resulting in over 100 combinations of voltage, source resistance and test frequency

The Tracker 2700 and 2700S both feature a built-in DC Voltage Source that can be used to power gated devices such as TRIACs, SCRs and relays. This gives you a true dynamic test of these types of devices.

Tracker Signature Analysis

The Tracker works by applying a current-limited AC signal across two points of a component. The current flow causes a vertical deflection of the CRT trace, while the applied voltage causes a horizontal deflection. Together they form a unique V/I signature that represents the overall health of the device under test. Analyzing the signature can quickly determine whether the component is good, bad, or marginal.

  • 制造商: Huntron
  • 模型: Tracker 2700