Analog Oscilloscopes : Instek GRS6052A


Instek GRS6052A
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The GRS-6000A Series is a Real-Time/Digital Storage Oscilloscope, which provides both analog and digital storage features in one product. As original signals correctly represent and quickly update, the GRS-6000A Series allows users simultaneously to savie the waveform. With Equivalent Time Sampling at 500MSa/s, the GRS-6000A Series are capable of reconstructing repetitive waveforms up to 50MHz/30MHz in an accurate and detailed fashion. The waveform storage could be done just by pressing the RUN-STOP button, or through the Single Trigger mode which captures single-shot events. 10 Reference Waveforms can be saved and recalled for waveforms comparison. Numerous functions, such as Average, Pre-Trigger, Roll mode, Peak Detect, Envelop, Persistence, and X-Y mode, are available to meet various measurement applications. The RS-232C Interface and the free Remote Control Software enable monitoring, remote controlling, and storing waveforms in PC.

  • 50M/30MHz with 100MSa/s and 2 Channles
  • Equivalent Time Sampling of 500MSa/s max.
  • Acquire Mode : Peak Detect, Envelop, Persistence
  • Pre-Trigger Function 0 ~ 10 div
  • ROLL Mode to 100s/div
  • Waveform SAVE/RECALL 10 sets (REF0~REF9)
  • Max. Sweep Rate 10ns/div
  • Panel Setting SAVE/RECALL 10 sets (M0~M9)
  • RS-232C Interface
  • 制造商: Instek
  • 模型: GRS6052A