General Generators : Agilent-Keysight 3200B


Agilent 3200B
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 3200B

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VHF Oscillator

The 3200B VHF Oscillator provides low cost, stable, 10 to 500MHz RF (6 bands) for testing receivers and amplifiers, and driving bridges, slotted lines, antennas, and filter networks?just to name a few! Good pulse modulation sensitivity allows standard audio oscillators to be used to provide modulation; a 2.5 V sine wave will provide adequate drive for this type application. Can also serve as a local oscillator for heterodyne detector systems and as a marker source for swept systems. RF is read on an expanded slide-rule type scale. Frequency accuracy is within ?2% after half-hour warm-up. Power level across a 50-ohms external load is greater than 200 mW (10 to 130MHz); greater than 150 mW (130 to 260MHz); greater than 25 mW (260 to 500MHz). Effective RF shielding permits measurements at levels down to 1 ?V.
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 3200B