The HP 3708A Noise and Interface Test Set offers an accurate, yet simple, method of simulating microwave radio fade conditions. Designed for operation in the IF section of a digital or FM microwave radio, with addition of calibrated levels of white noise and/or interference signals to the radio IF carrier. A built-in power meter and microprocessor control enables the radio IF carrier power to be sampled at the point of noise injection and the noise density adjusted automatically to maintain a constant carrier level variations. A simple, yet powerful interference test facility is also included, allowing an external broadband signal to be mixed with the
radio IF carrier along with/instead of the injected noise. Additional capability
provided within the instrument includes:
True RMS IF power meter
High stability 0 dBm reference tone
Direct noise bandwidth measurement
001 - 50 Ohm Unbalanced Connectors
801 - Protective Front Cover
907 - Front Handle Kit
908 - Rack Flange Kit ( 19 inch rack)
909 - Rack and Handle Kit (Options 907 and 908 combined)