The HP 4925B Bit Error Rate Test Set provides the standard bit and block error tests and also measures errored seconds, percent error-free seconds, timing delay, and parity errors over both RS-232-C/V.24 and V.35. Complete data testing is available from the HP 4925B from 75 b/s to 19.2 kb/s for asynchronous framed or unframed systems. In synchronous systems where the HP 4925B provides the clock, data rates up to 72 kb/s are available, which makes the HP 4925B ideally suited for complete DDS testing.
Increased flexibility is afforded by a complete breakout box. You can manipulate and monitor individual signal lines on the RS-232- C/V.24 interface or crosspatch any line from the DCE side of the interface to the DTE side. The HP 4925B also transmits the FOX message using a 5-bit baudot, 6-bit EBCD, 7-bit ASCII, or 8-bit
EBCDIC code to terminals and printers. It includes detection and annunciation of dropouts, clock slips, and RTS-CTS delay time.
Three separate start-up tests, end-to-end, loopback and BELL 208B modem, enable dynamic testing of modems, which makes the HP 4925B extremely useful in isolating faults related to automatic equalization. The HP 4925B is powered by six 9-volt alkaline transistor batteries, allowing greater than 50 hours of RS-232-C/V.24 operation. An ac module (HP 18185A or HP 18194A) is recommended for use with
V.35 interfaces.
Opt 001 = Carrying Case (HP 18192A)
Opt 101 = RS-232-C/V.24 (HP 18183A)
Opt 102 = V.35 (HP 18184A) and 115V Power Module (HP 18185A)
Opt 104 = V.35 (HP 18184A) and 220V Power Module (HP 18194A)