Transmission Test Set : Agilent-Keysight 4936A


Agilent 4936A
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The Hewlett-Packard 4936A Transmission Impairment Measuring instrument provides the basic analog tests to isolate faults and to qualify circuits
for voice, data or broadcast transmission at frequencies up to 110 kHz. The 4936A is CCITT compatible providing
measurements of level versus frequency, noise with various selectable filters,
Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Noise with Tone, Three-level Impulse Nose and 4-wire
single frequency return loss. Telephone
companies, PABX and other telecommunications equipment service people will find
the 4936A has the analog testing capability they need. It includes standard dial and hold
capabilities, independent transmit and receive impedances, level zero function,
SF skip and complete unit annunciation.

Portable for Field Use

The 4936A in its rugged polycarbonate case weighs only 14 pounds with
batteries. This lightweight instrument is ideal for field applications.

Easy-to-Use Instruments Reduce Testing Time

The 4936A is easy to use, allowing reduced training
time, fewer operator errors and reduced testing times. The HP 4936A
guides you through the measurements by activating only the proper keys for each
selection. Each selected function is indicated on its own LED and there
is a beep when a key is pressed. Complete annunciation displays the
selected measurement, proper units for each measurement and error messages if
there is a problem with either the measurement or the instrument.
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 4936A