Multifunction Counters : Agilent-Keysight 5334A/010/030


Agilent 5334A-010-030
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 5334A-010-030

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With the 5334A Universal Counter, frequency, period, rise time, fall time, pulse width and peak amplitude may be measured automatically- all at the touch of a button. The 5334A is a two-channel, 100 MHz Universal Counter with 9-digits in one second resolution and 2 nS single shot time interval resolution. Other great features include the ability that enables the operator to store & recall up to 10 front-panel setups plus an HP-IB interface which allows programming via a computer for true ATE integration. Manufacturer's Options Option 010 = Oven Oscillator Option 020 = DVM Option 030 = Channel C Option 050 = Both Option 020 and 030 Option 060 = Rear Terminals Option 908 = Rack Mount Kit for use without front handles Option 913 = Rack Mount Kit for use with supplied handles
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 5334A/010/030