Agilent/HP 5370A Universal Time Interval CounterThe Agilent HP 5370A Universal Time Interval Counter will cover the frequency range of 0.1Hz to 100MHz.
Sensitivity is 100 mV p-p, 35 mV rms sine wave x attenuator setting.
Impedance is selectable 1 Mohm / 30 pF or 50-ohms.
Switch selectable coupling AC or DC.
Preset dynamic range at 50-ohms x1: 100 mV to 1 V p-p pulse; x10: 1 V to 7 V p-p pulse, at 1 Mohm x10: 100 mV to 1 V p-p pulse; x10: 1 V to 10 V p-p pulse.
Resolution of +/-20 ps on time interval measurements.
D display is 16 digits with suppressed leading zeroes.