Digital Oscilloscopes : Agilent-Keysight 54111D


Agilent 54111D
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 54111D

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The 54111D Digitizing Oscilloscope is a 1 GS/s, two-channel digitizing oscilloscope with a memory depth of 8 k samples per channel. The 54111D retains all of the key features and user friendliness of the 54100/110 Oscilloscopes...such as automatic measurements, auto-scaling, cursors, and a functional color display. Plus, the 54111D adds features necessary for controlling and managing the added memory depth, such as scroll, zoom, and memory bar. Other features include 500MHz repetitive bandwidth (250MHz single-shot), up to 8-bits of vertical resolution, pre-trigger information, and complex triggering capabilities.

  • 114 - 2 GSa/s Test Fixture
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 54111D