The D3286 Error Detector offers excellent waveforms with high speed and high quality and diverse error detecting functions in an operating frequency range from 150 Mbps to 12.5 Gbps. In addition, with the 8 M-bit large capacity memory and ADVANTEST's unique frame pattern generation function, the D3286 is a new generation of error performance test system which is compatible with STM-1 (155.52 Mbps) to STM-64 (9.95 Gbps) in SDH/SONET.
ADVANTEST D3286-70 Product Specs:
SDH/SONET frame synchronization suitable for system evaluation
Error detection with area specification effective for SDH frame and ATM cell measurement
Burst data measurement effective for loop-back test
Auto search function which adjusts the most appropriate timing and voltage
Monitor output of data and clock
FD drive for storing measurement results and setup data
GUI environment realizing easy and legible operating environment.