Chart Recorders Recorders Plotters : Agilent-Keysight 7090A


Agilent 7090A
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 7090A

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The 7090A is designed for low-frequency measurements, analysis, and documentation. It is capable of waveform recording, digital plotting, on two selectable media sizes with an 8 pen carousel. It accepts regular plotter paper and overhead transparency film media types.

Features and Specifications
3 input channels
Input sensitivity: 5 mV to 100 V full scale
Zero offset: ?2 x full scale or ?100 V max.
Input impedance: 1 megohm
Input Maximum: 200 Vdc or peak
Time base: 1 s to 24 h (direct), 30 ms to 24 h (buffered)
Slew speed: 127 cm/s direct mode
Bandwidth: 3 kHz for all full scale ranges
6 pen carousel
Media size capability: A / A4, B / A3
HPIB interface
Acceleration: 2 g's (approx.)
100, 120/220, 240 Vac, +5% -10%, 48-66 Hz operation
Weight: 35 lb; Size: 206 mm (8.1 in)H x 575 mm (22.7 in)W x 465 mm (18.3 in)D
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 7090A