Couplers Coaxial Hardware : Agilent-Keysight 798C


Agilent 798C
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 798C

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The 798C Directional Coupler is a ultra-flat, high directivity coupler that is ideal for power-monitoring applications in coaxial systems. Output coupling (ratio of output power from main and auxiliary arms) is specified rather than a coupling factor. Thus, no correction factor is required to account for insertion loss in the main arm. 3.7 to 8.3GHz frequency range, 10 dB nominal coupler ? 0.3 dB. 20 dB minimum directivity. Type N(F/M) (primary line) and N(F) (auxiliary arm) connectors.
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 798C