DC Loads Power Supplies : Bird 8931-115SC13


Bird 8931-115SC13
放大图片Bird 8931-115SC13

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Bird now offers ultrastable, low VSWR loads for quick and precise measurement of generator power output when used with precision power sensors such as the Bird 4020 & 4027A Series. Bird models 8865SC13, 8890-300SC13, 8921SC13 & 8931-115SC13/-230SC13 not only provide low VSWR but also less than 0.1 dB total change in VSWR at process critical frequencies. There is no need for load warm-up or risk of repeatability due to calibration for different lengths of time. This can minimize the errors associated with this calibration and control one of the more critical process variables in the etch process.

See Spec Sheet for Additional Informaiton
  • 制造商: Bird
  • 模型: 8931-115SC13