Preselectors Other Types of Equipment : Agilent-Keysight 85685A


Agilent 85685A
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 85685A

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The 85685A RF Preselector makes a multi-purpose test receiver of an 8566B, 8567A, or 8568B Spectrum Analyzer. In addition to an instrument for general-purpose spectrum analysis, you now have a test receiver for specialized applications. The RF preselector, with tracking filters and preamplifiers covering the 20Hz to 2GHz range, improves spectrum analyzer measurement sensitivity while providing overload protection from out-of-band signals. The resulting test receiver system operating in the presence of high-level interference has a measurement range 30 dB greater than that of a spectrum analyzer alone.
010 - Rack mount slide kit
908 - Rack flange kit without handles
910 - Extra manual
913 - Rack flange kit with handles
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 85685A