Active Probes : Agilent-Keysight 1120A


Agilent 1120A
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 1120A

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500 MHz Active Voltage Probe

The 1120A Active Probe is a 500MHz probe for probing high source impedances at high frequencies. This 1:1 active probe provides a probe tip impedance of 100 kohms shunted by approximately 3 pF at 100MHz. When used with the 10:1 or 100:1 divider tips, the shunt capacitance is <1 pF at 100MHz. The 50-ohm output provides the optimum impedance match and measurement accuracy for oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, counters, and network analyzers with 50-ohm inputs. Power is supplied by instruments with probe power jacks or the 1122A probe power supply.
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 1120A