Passive Probes : Agilent-Keysight 1165A


Agilent 1165A
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 1165A

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Passive probe, 10:1, 10 Mohm, 1.5m

The Agilent 1165A miniature passive probe is a small, rugged, general purpose probe for use with the InfiniiVision 7000, Infiniium 8000 Series and 54830 Series oscilloscopes. It is fully compatible with the Agilent Auto Probe interface which completely configures the Infiniium oscilloscope for the probe.

-Kevlar-reinforced cable and durable probe hook
-Compatible with Infiniium scope Auto Probe Interface
-10 Mohm input resistance
-Oscilloscope compensation range: 12-14 pF
-Max input voltage: 300V (dc + peak ac) CAT II
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 1165A