10:1, 1.5m Passive Probe
The Agilent 10070 family probes are rugged, general purpose probes designed to operate with the 54600 family of oscilloscopes. This family provides a range of high quality probing solutions at a very reasonable price.
-Ruggedized for general purpose measurement
-General purpose grabber (Retractable Hook Tip) hooks onto wires and test points for hands-off probing
-Ground bayonet provides short, flexible ground lead for high frequency measurements
-General purpose alligator clip ground lead
-IC tip mounts over probe tip for probing .1 inch spacing DIPs without shorting to adjacent pins
-Color coding is achieved by placing orange, white, blue or green identification tags on both ends of probe cable
-Length: 1.5m
-Division Ration: 10:1
-Circuit Loading (1 M ohm scope input): 10 M ohm; 15pF
-Typical Scope Bandwidth: 150 MHz
-Compensates Oscilloscope Input: 1 M ohm; 9 to 17 pF