General Power Supplies : Keithley 242


Keithley 242
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Regulated High Voltage Supply
The Keithley Model 242 Regulated High Voltage Supply provides accurate,
stable outputs between 300 and 3500 volts dc. Accuracy is plus or minus 0.1% for all loads up to 25 milliamperes. Stability is 20.01% for six months after a 30-minute warm-up. Line regulation is within plus or minus O.OO5% for a 10% change in line voltage, and load regulation is within plus or minus O.OO5% from zero to full load.

Voltage: 300 to 3500 volts dc in l-volt steps.
Current: 25 milliamperes dc maximum.
Polarity: Positive or negative.
Floating: 1000 volts maximum off chassis ground.
  • 制造商: Keithley
  • 模型: 242