Picoammeters Meters : Keithley 480


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The 480 Picoammeter is an easy-to-use, sensitive ammeter that resolves 1pA. Simple controls, LED display, shielded BNC input, high normal mode rejection, and excellent overload specifications make it easy to use. The unit measures dc current from 1 pA per digit (2 nA full range) to 2 mA, with 3 1/2-digit precision. Seven ranges cover the full span of low-current measurements.

* Maximum Transient Overload Voltage: 1000V for 3 seconds at 10 mA.
* Input Voltage Burden: Less than 200 MicroV.
* Settling Time at Display: Less than 1 second.
* Display: Four 0.5" LED digits with appropriate decimal point and polarity indications.
* Conversion Period: 400 milliseconds.
* Over-range Indication: Display blinks all zeros above 1999 counts.
* Maximum Common Mode Voltage: 30V rms, DC to 60 Hz sine wave.
* Analog Output Voltage: 1 volt = 1000 counts.
* Analog Output Resistance: 1000 ohms.
* Connectors: Input: BNC, Output: Banana Jacks.
  • 制造商: Keithley
  • 模型: 480