Electrometers Meters : Keithley 614


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* 4 1/2 digit multimeter designed with speed and simplicity of use
* Features four functions:
o Current
o Resistance
o Voltage
o Charge measurement
* Detecting currents as low as:
o 10 -14 A
* Detecting resistances up to:
o 2 x 10E+11 ohms
* Provides more than:
o 5x10E+13 ohms input impedance on the voltage ranges and can detect charge over a range of 10E-14 to 2 x 10E-08C
* Voltage ranges are:
o 0.2 V to 20 V in 3 ranges with accuracies to 0.08%
* Current ranges from:
o 20 pA to 2000 MicroA in 9 ranges with accuracies from 1.5 to 0.3%
* Resistance ranges are from:
o 2 kohms to 200 Gohms in 9 ranges with accuracies from 0.5 to 2%
  • 制造商: Keithley
  • 模型: 614