Frequency Counters : EIP 548B


EIP 548B
放大图片EIP 548B

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The 548B Microwave Frequency Counter has automatic amplitude discrimination which enables the instrument to automatically select and measure the input signal with the highest level, and ignore all of the harmonics and other spurious signals that are present. The frequency range is 10Hz to 26.5GHz. Keyboard controlled frequency limit selection Power measurement to 0.1 dB resolution Power measurement accuracy to ?0.5 dB typical -30 dBm Sensitivity 200 Watt (+53 dBm) peak damage protection 10 dB automatic amplitude discrimination 200 ms acquisition time Up to 600MHz/sec tracking speed 20MHz P-P FM tolerance up to a 10MHz rate
  • 制造商: EIP
  • 模型: 548B