The Advantest R5372P is a high-resolution microwave frequency counter capable of pulse modulation measurements up to 18 GHz. Not only are measurements of aircraft, harbor, river and fire prevention radar possible but also, the R5372P is capable of CW microwave frequency measurements, totalizing functions and PCM error bit totalizing. Using the A input which makes use of a reciprocal counting technique (10 mHz to 10 MHz), it is possible to perform pulse width or pulse repetition frequency measurements to a resolution of 10 ns. By using an external trigger signal, it is possible to measure a pulse modulated carrier frequency at any desired point (frequency profile measurement). These counters also provide high basic performance, typified by an input sensitivity of - 20 dBm at 18 GHz and 1 Hz resolution with a 1 s gate using a digital TRAHET technique.
Wide Selection
Digital TRAHET Technique
Wide FM Allowable Range
Digital Comparator Function and Wide Range of Built-In