Mainframe Oscilloscopes : Agilent-Keysight 86100C


Agilent 86100C
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 86100C

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The most comprehensive multi-function analyzer for high-speed electrical and optical signals

The 86100C Infiniium DCA-J combines extremely high accuracy and repeatability with outstanding ease of use to simplify characterizing signals from 50 MHz to 80 GHz. Digital designers can combine the mainframe and modules into four key instruments with industry leading signal integrity performance, including:

  • A full-function oscilloscope with bandwidth in excess of 80 GHz, ensuring the most accurate waveform measurements
  • A digital communications analyzer with automated eye diagram analysis for transmitter compliance testing
  • The industry's most accurate jitter and interference analyzer, measuring subcomponent jitter sources with one-button ease of use
  • A full-function time domain reflectometer (TDR/TDT) for high precision impedance and S-parameter analysis

Advanced Analysis Features:

Advanced Jitter Analysis

Decomposition of jitter into Total Jitter (TJ), Random Jitter (RJ), Deterministic Jitter (DJ), Periodic Jitter (PJ), Data Dependent Jitter (DDJ), Duty Cycle Distortion (DCD), and Jitter induced by Intersymbol Interference (ISI)
Jitter frequency spectrum
Isolation and analysis of Sub-Rate Jitter (SRJ), that is, periodic jitter that is at an integer sub-rate of the bitrate
Jitter spectrum/phase noise for both clock or data signals (requires 83496B Clock Recovery)
Decomposition of interference into Total Interference (TI), Random Noise (RN), Deterministic Interference, Periodic Interference (PI), and Inter-symbol Interference (ISI)

Advanced Amplitude Analysis

Tabular and graphical results for both one and zero levels
Interference frequency spectrum
Q-factor (isolated from deterministic interference)
Relative Intensity Noise (RIN 1 Level, RIN OMA)

Advanced Waveform Analysis

Accurately capture long waveforms (up to 223 bits) with or without averaging
Samples/waveform limited only by size of hard disk or memory stick
Oscilloscope measurements on equalized waveforms with built-in Linear Feedforward Equalization (LFE) tool
MATLAB interface allows instant processing of oscilloscope data:

  • Observe and characterize the output waveforms of any LFE, Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) or other algorithm
  • Calculate and display figures of merit or penalty using proprietary or published scripts, such as Transmitter Waveform Dispersion Penalty (TWDP)

MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
Advanced TDR Analysis (Frequency-Domain S-Parameters)
On-board S-parameters for differential or single-ended characterization
One port or two port devices (single-ended or differential)
Measure to current and new standards

001 - Enhanced Trigger, 13 GHz BW
090 - Removable Hard Drive
092 - Internal Hard Drive
0BJ - Programmers Guide
100 - Jitter analysis software
200 - Enhanced Jitter Analysis Software
201 - Advanced Waveform Analysis Software
202 - Enhanced Impedance and S-Parameter Software
300 - Software, Advanced Amplitude Analysis/Rin/Q-Factor
701 - Standard trigger 2.5 GHz BW
AFP - Module Slot Filler Panel
AX4 - Rack mount kit without handles
AXE - Rack mount kit with handles
H02 - Pre-CPL 86100C-202 enhanced impedance and S-Parameter software
H09 - Provides removeable hard drive
UK6 - Commercial calibration certificate with test data
86100CU-400 - PLL and Jitter Spectrum Measurement SW
86100CU-401 - Advanced EYE Analysis Software
11898A - Extender module for plug-in modules
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 86100C