Universal Counters : Racal Instruments 1992


Racal 1992
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The 1992 Universal Counter is a great little counter with BIG features! It provides Frequency, Period, Time Interval, Ratio, Totalize, Phase, and Peak Amplitude measurements?plus much more. It covers the frequency range of DC to 1.3GHz. Channel A?s sensitivity is 25 mV rms to 100MHz and 50 mV rms to 160MHz. Channel B: Same sensitivity as Channel A except that the frequency range is 10Hz to 100MHz. Channel C?s sensitivity is less than 15 mV rms from 40MHz to 1GHz and less than 75 mV up through 1.3GHz.
  • 制造商: Racal Instruments
  • 模型: 1992