General Equipment Other Types of Equipment : Tektronix HDST1



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HDST1 Stress Test Module for TG2000

The HDST1 is a HD-SDI Stress Test module that supports stress test capability for 1.485 and 1.485/1,001 Gb/s HD-SDI signals. The HDST1 takes in a single HD-SDI signal and outputs a stressed HD-SDI signal. HD signals from test signal generators (including the HDVG1 module), as well as from HD camera, VTRs, or switchers, can be used as the input signal. Signal stressing options include jitter (amplitude or frequency), amplitude, duty cycle, and random error insertion. The HDVG1 is recommended as a signal source, since it is capable of providing a signal with low residual jitter, as well as the ability to incorporate its frequency offset stress feature.
  • 制造商: Tektronix
  • 模型: HDST1