Broadband Amplifiers : Electronics Innovation 403LA


放大图片ENI-E&I 403LA

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The Electronics & Innovation Model 403LA is a general purpose broadband amplifier capable of more than 3W of linear power output when driven by any laboratory signal or sweep generator from 0.15 to 300 MHz. An ultra linear Class A design, the 403LA will "boost" the output of any signal source by at least a flat 37 dB ( 1 dB) and provide its full forward output power into any load impedance (from an open to a short circuit). Its output is a faithful reproduction of the input waveform for AM, FM, SSB, CATV, pulse and other complex modulations.

Although specified only over the 0.15 to 300 MHz frequency range, full power output is typically available from 0.1 to 320 MHz. The E&I 403LA RF amplifier is used to increase the RF output level of signal sources in the 0.15 to 300 MHz range. No tuning or any other form of adjustment is required.

The 403LA produces rated power output at its output connector, regardless of load impedance. Any power reflected due to output load mismatch is absorbed in the amplifier. Therefore, although the output impedance is 50 Ohm (typical RF Output VSWR: 2:1), the amplifier will work into any load impedance.

See Spec Sheet for Additional Informaiton
  • 制造商: Electronics Innovation
  • 模型: 403LA