Audio Analyzers : Audio Precision ATS-2


Audio Precision ATS-2
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The ATS-2 is a general-purpose audio analyzer well suited to the design lab, broadcast facility or production line anywhere you need high-precision, feature-rich audio test and measurement.

The ATS-2 offers excellent value for any technician who wishes to integrate a fully functional audio analyzer into an IEEE.488 (GPIB) controlled test system. It is also ideally suited for the production line or broadcast verification when used with APs High Speed Tester application.

The Performance Option can be added to provide a high bandwidth analysis capability and serial digital interface measurements. The Audio Analyzer, Harmonic Analyzer, FFT Analyzer, and Multitone Analyzer bandwidths are increased from 30 kHz to 120 kHz. The Digital Interface Analyzer adds Jitter Spectrum analysis, Jitter Waveform, Interface Spectrum analysis, Interface Waveform (Oscilloscope), Eye pattern, Interface amplitudehistogram, Interface Rate histogram, and Interface bit-width histogram.

Option: AUX-0025 Switching Amplifier Measurement Filter.

- Digital interface analysis with Performance Option
- Super fast production test using multitone analyzer
- AP Basic scripting with learn mode, LabVIEW & GPIB
- User-defined sweeps and switcher support up to 192 channels
- ATS-2 Analog and Digital Input and Output, with DSP.
- Performance option Increases analyzer bandwidth to 120 kHz and adds digital interface analysis.
- PC interface USB, GPIB, APIB

  • 制造商: Audio Precision
  • 模型: ATS-2