Accessories and Upgrades Other Types of Equipment : JDSU 2209


JDSU 2209
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TestPad DS1 w/ 2000-V3 and Opts FT1, TIMS, SIG, ASP & PRI $6,495 ea
Includes V3 (Version 3) Mainframe,12 month warranty, and standard accessories

The FST-2209 TestPad is a T1/T3 module combining DS1, DS3, ISDN, and voice features. It is an all-in-one solution for high-speed testing of TDM services.


  • Isolate and troubleshoot physical layer problems associated with data or other advanced services.
  • Verify proper network routings and signal delays to ensure that all fractional T1 channel signals are terminated properly and with the correct timing.
  • Qualify DS3 circuits with BERT patterns for both M13 and C-bit framing.
  • Monitor network voice quality by listening to PCM-encoded signals through the built-in speakers.


  • Isolate and troubleshoot physical layer problems associated with data or other advanced services.
  • Monitor network voice quality and signaling.
  • Qualify DS3 circuits with an array of BERT patterns.
  • Analyze DS1 tributaries at DS3 access points.
  • Verify or troubleshoot ISDN PRI service by placing and receiving calls and analyzing decodes.
  • More Information.

Key Features

  • Dual-receiver in-service monitoring.
  • Advanced stress patterns.
  • Fractional T1 channels.
  • BERT and signal analysis.
  • HDSL loop codes.
  • 制造商: JDSU
  • 模型: 2209