General Counters : Rohde Schwarz AFQ100A


Rohde Schwarz AFQ100A
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R&S AFQ100A I/Q Modulation Generator

Digital communications systems are rapidly evolving today, calling for test equipment that can meet the new challenges they present.

An important component of such test equipment is a flexible baseband source that allows development and production tests to be performed on state-of-the-art receivers for a variety of standards. A self-contained baseband source must fulfill a wide range of signal requirements. Plus, it needs variable digital and analog outputs in order to directly operate the DUT. Used as a modulation source for vector signal generators, the R&S AFQ100A provides I/Q signals that offer all the sophistication of modern communications standards for generating the required RF signal.
Broad scope of applications

* Variable memory clock rate (1 kHz to 300 MHz) can be optimally adjusted to the useful signal
* Maximum I/Q bandwidth of up to 100 MHz for an RF bandwidth of 200 MHz
* Long signal duration - 256 Msample or 1 Gsample
* Analog I/Q outputs (balanced and unbalanced) and optional digital outputs
* Variable output level at the analog outputs
* Multisegment waveform reduces switching time between different signals; no reloading required
* Optimum memory use due to integrated clock rate converter and memory granularity of 1
* Shiftable markers without disrupting and recalculating the output signal

Outstanding signal quality

* Excellent spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) of typ. 83 dBc (1 MHz signal at 100 MHz bandwidth)
* Frequency response typ. 0.05 dB across 100 MHz I/Q bandwidth
* Versatile impairments
o Settable skew with 10 ps resolution to allow exact adjustment of different cable lengths
o Gain and offset for I and Q can be set independently
o Phase error
* Loadable equalization to compensate for external components such as I/Q modulators (minimum frequency response in realtime across all components involved)
* Adjustment of DC offsets by biasing the differential I/Q outputs

Connectors and operation

* Remote control via GPIB, USB and LAN
* User interface via external monitor or Windows XP Remote Desktop
* R&S WinIQSIM2 for controlling the R&S AFQ100A and generating test signals in line with different standards
* Direct control via MATLAB
* USB connectors for USB equipment (keyboard, mouse, memory stick)

  • 制造商: Rohde Schwarz
  • 模型: AFQ100A