Noise Meters : Tektronix 1430


Tektronix 1430
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The 1430 Random Noise Measuring Set provides measurement capabilities on an in-service basis using the adjacent noise matching technique with a waveform monitor. Input of 1 V nominal with a 75 ohms impedance. Time Jitter will be less than 5 nS. Noise measurement signals pedestal amplitude is 10, 50, and 100 IRE nominal. The pedestal noise amplitude is from -20 dB to -59.9 dB. Front panel controls determine monitor channel parameters with three operating modes: VITS, Full Field and Out-of-Service. The insertion pedestal level is controlled by both a switch and potentiometer, covering a range of 0 to 100 IRE.
  • 制造商: Tektronix
  • 模型: 1430