Network Analyzers : Rohde Schwarz TSMQ
放大图片Rohde Schwarz TSMQ
我们有最大的库存高品质的测试设备在世界上 |
- Simultaneous multitechnology measurements in a single drive test
- WCDMA, GSM, CDMA2000 and CW
- Fastest scanner worldwide
- WCDMA PN scanning with up to 20 ms per measurement (50 Hz) in high
speed mode
- GSM network scanning with up to 10 ms per channel (100 Hz)
- CDMA PN scanning with up to 100 ms per measurement (10 Hz)
- Analog CW power measurements with up to 1.6 ms per measurement
(fulfilling Lee criterion even at high speeds)
- 3G multicarrier use for demodulating broadcast information
- 12 carriers in parallel in WCDMA/CDMA2000
- Inclusion of broadcast information decoding (SIB 1-18 for WCDMA, MCC/MNC/LAC/CI/BSIC
for GSM)
- Measurement of GSM and WCDMA neighborhoods in parallel
- Neighborhood analysis with just one receiver
- Low weight and low power consumption: ultra-portable backpack
- Perfect for indoor use
- 制造商: Rohde Schwarz
- 模型: TSMQ