Protocol Analyzers : Rohde Schwarz PTW70


Rohde Schwarz PTW70
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The WLAN Protocol Tester R&S PTW 70 represents a considerable enhancement in speed, accuracy and cost-effective-ness in the complex measurement tasks involved in multi-standard wireless LAN systems.
Target customers
  • Innovators in wireless LAN chip-set and protocol-stack development
  • Suppliers of wireless LAN system components and infrastructures
  • Consulting firms and engineers specializing in radiocommunications and telecommunication systems
  • Professional providers and users of WLAN-based services and networks
  • Laboratories and test houses perform-ing interoperability, compatibility and certification tests
What does IEEE 802.11 multimode protocol tester mean?

IEEE 802.11 currently specifies wireless LAN systems for the 2.4 GHz ISM frequency band (802.11b and 802.11g) and the 5 GHz U-NII frequency band (802.11a).The R&S PTW 70 supports the 802.11a and 802.11g systems, i.e. it offers a wide range of functions from the RF frontend, the physical protocol layer, the MAC protocol layer through to applications. As to 802.11b functionality, the focus is on interoperability measurements, particularly the monitor mode and analysis functions for testing 802.11b and 802.11g interoperability. IEEE 802.11 defines a number of additional functions for the PHY and MAC protocol layers.
  • 制造商: Rohde Schwarz
  • 模型: PTW70