Couplers Coaxial Hardware : Com Power CDN-C50


Com-Power CDN-C50
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80 MHz, Coupling / Decoupling Networks (CDN)

  • Com-Power CDN-C50 Features:
    o For Signal Lines
    o Frequency Range - 150 kHz - 80 MHz
    o Meets EN 61000-4-6 Requirements
    o Current Rating: 2 Amps
    o Cable Impedance: 50
    o Coupling Point: Shield
    o Individual Calibration
    o Two Year Warranty

    Other Info:
    The Com-Power CDN C50 Coupling / Decoupling Networks (CDN) are for injecting disturbing signals on to 50 Ohm (CDN-C50) and 75 Ohm (CDN-C75) shielded coax cables. These CDN have BNC connectors for EUT and AE connections.

    The CDN-C50 decoupling networks are used to insure that the disturbing signals injected on the signal line of the EUT by the coupling networks does not interfere with any the auxiliary equipment (AE) connected to the EUT. Each CDN contains integrated direct capacitive coupling along with a high impedance choke for inductive decoupling.
    • 制造商: Com Power
    • 模型: CDN-C50