The LP-2600, a Smar t Logic Design Experimental Kit, which helps beginners to comprehend the general design functions of digital circuit, and offers multiple experimental units. The LP-2600 simplifies the process of welding ICs. As long as we load the entire circuit program into the Smart Logic Design Experimental Kit through USB or printer port, the LP-2600 will simulate the circuit.
Donft require TTL and CMOS devices to do experimental circuits. Saving materials and time.
Help users learn about practical experiments and basic logic programs quickly without soldering IC components.
Offer smart INPUT and OUTPUT circuit linkage function.
Offer practical input control settings. Reveal each gate, IC gate and output linkage results on output circuit.
Offer the pin of measurement point for convenience to measure various test point virtually.
Fit for standard digital logic experiment programs.
System built-in various experimental units of basic logic gate, assembled logic and digital logic.