FUNCTIONS (Each Channel)
Low-pass filter, high-pass filter, voltage gain amplifier.
Type: 8-pole, Butterworth/Bessel.
Attenuation: 48dB/octave.
Tunable Frequency Range fc: Low-pass, 0.03Hz to 1MHz; high-pass, 0.03Hz to 300kHz; (option 002, 0.003Hz).
Frequency Resolution: 3 digits, 0.1Hz to max fc; 2 digits, 0.03Hz to 0.099Hz; (option 002, 1 digit, 0.003Hz to 0.009Hz; 2 digits, 0.01Hz to 0.099Hz).
Cutoff Frequency Accuracy: ±1%, 0.5Hz to 50kHz; ±2%, 50.1kHz to max fc; ±5%, 0.03Hz to 0.5Hz (option 002, ±5%, 0.003Hz to 0.5Hz).
Relative Gain at fc: –3dB, Butterworth; –12.6dB, Bessel.
High-Pass Bandwidth (0dB Gain): >4MHz.
Stopband Attenuation: >80dB.
Maximum Input: ±10V peak at 0dB gain, reduced in proportion to gain setting; ±7V peak for LP, fc >500kHz, fsig >500kHz.
Pre-Filter Gain: 0dB, 10dB, 20dB, 30dB, 40dB, 50dB, ±0.2dB.
Post-Filter Gain: 0dB to 20dB in 0.1dB steps, ±0.2dB.
Wideband Noise (2MHz bandwidth detector): 0dB gain, <300 Vrms for fc £5kHz, <500 Vrms for fc £50kHz, £1mVrms for fc >50kHz. Max. gain, <25 Vrms RTI.
Harmonic Distortion: –80dB at 1kHz.
DC Stability: Typically ±2mV/ C.
Bandwidth: >7MHz min. gain; >700kHz max. gain.
Response: ±0.1dB typical, ±0.5dB max.
Gain: 0dB to 70dB in 0.1dB steps, ±0.2dB.
Input (Differential or single-ended +(in phase), –(inverted):
CMRR: >60dB to 10kHz; >50dB to 100kHz.
Sensitivity: 3mV peak with 70dB total gain for 10V peak output.
Maximum Input: ±10V peak at 0dB gain, reduced in proportion to gain setting.
Impedance: 1 megohm in parallel with 100pf.
Coupling: ac (0.16Hz) or dc.
Maximum DC Component: ±100V in ac coupled mode.
Maximum Voltage (open circuit): ±10V peak.
Maximum Current: ±80mA peak.
Impedance: 50 ohms.
DC Offset: Adjustable to zero volts.
Harmonic Distortion (1V output): –80dB (0.01%) to 10kHz; –60dB (0.1%) to 100kHz.
Wideband Noise (RTI, 2MHz BW detector): 300 Vrms min. gain; 25 Vrms max. gain.
DC Stability (RTI): Typically ±10mV/ 6C.
Crosstalk Between Channels: –85dB below full scale with input source <50 ohms.
Low-Pass Phase Match Between Channels: ±2 to 500kHz, ±5 to 1MHz.
High-Pass Phase Match Between Channels: For fc £100kHz, ±2 for fsig £500kHz, 2 times fsig/500kHz for fsig to 2MHz; for fc >100kHz, ±5 for fsig £500kHz, 5 times fsig/500kHz for fsig to 2MHz.
Gain Match Between Channels: ±0.2dB max. to 100kHz.
Switch: For selection of Input, +(in phase), Differential or –(inverted).
Memory: 99 selectable groups; memory is non-volatile battery-backed CMOS.
Self-Test Diagnostics: MPU checks unit upon power-up. Display indicates failure mode.
Displays: 7 segment, green, LED; 0.3" high.
Remote Programming: IEEE-488.1 interface. Subsets: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP1, DC1, DT0, C0, E1.
Operating Temperature: 0 C to 50 C.
Isolation to Chassis: ±200Vdc.
Input/Output Connectors: BNC.
Power: 50 watts.
Dimensions and Weights: 3.5" (9cm) high, 8.5" (21.8cm) wide, 18" (46.2cm) deep; 12 lbs (5.4kg) net, 14 lbs (6.3kg) shipping.
Accessories: 6 foot, 3-terminal line cord, operating manual.