General Generators : Tektronix 390AD


Tektronix 390AD
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The Tektronix 390AD is a Programmable Digitizers.

The 390AD has a built in self calibration and a self test feature that is automatically employed at power on and can be activated during operation by the user.

Key Points:
True dual channel 30 MHz sampling rate (60 MHz in single channel mode)
10-bit Resolution
Cursor-based measurements, sample rating switch
Auto Cal (Self-Calibration)
2048 word memory per channel (4096 single channel mode)
direct plotter output capability.
The following applications are via extracting information from signals containing components from DC to 15 MHz : Ultrasonic/stress/strain, mechanical/vibration, audio, ATE, laser spectroscopy, biomedical research, LIDAR, geo seismic, dual channel synchronized digitizing, post/pre triggering.
Excellent dynamic accuracy is achieved using a two stage flash conversion process.
The X versus Y display mode coupled with the shift mode function provides a powerful tool for visual comparison of related phenomena.
Sensitivity: +/- 100mV TO +/-50V full scale (200mV p-p TO 100V p-p) 9 steps, 1-2-5 sequence.
Input R & C: 1M OHM +/-2%; 24pF. IEEE standard 488 interface (488-1978).
Interface functions: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, C0, DT1.
Interface control message: GTL, LLO, SDC-DCL, GET, SPE-SPD, IFC.
All instrument setting and operating modes are programable, except power switch, vertical / horizontal position, horizontal MAG, and external clock switch.
5-digit LED readout display reads voltage difference on the same waveform or between CH 1 and CH 2, absolute voltage. time interval, and 1/T.

10 - Rackmount 390AD
  • 制造商: Tektronix
  • 模型: 390AD