Cards Accessories and Upgrades : Agilent-Keysight N5101A-N5115A


Agilent N5101A-N5115A
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Agilent-HP N5101A Baseband Studio PCI Card with N5115A Baseband Studio

The N5101A Baseband Studio PCI card is the hardware engine for the N5115A Baseband Studio for fading and N5110B Baseband Studio for waveform capture and playback software. A PC equipped with the PCI card is required for these applications to function. The PCI card employs an advanced Xilinx field programmable gate array (FPGA), which enables it to become a high-performance baseband processor that is instantly reconfigurable to accommodate the many signal formats that are processed by the Baseband Studio software applications. This architecture provides the flexibility to enable future applications.
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: N5101A-N5115A