General Equipment Other Types of Equipment : Aeroflex IFR 2040-003


Aeroflex-IFR 2040-003
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IFR Systems (Aeroflex) 2040 10 kHz to 1.35 GHz Low Noise Signal Generator

The 2040 signal generator is an electronic instrument that generates repeating electronic signals. It contains an electronic oscillator, a circuit that is capable of creating a repetitive waveform.

0.1 Hz- 500KHz mod oscillator
4 Modulation modes
Modulation leveling
Tone Signalling
Major params may be incremente
sweep RF level, LF freq,RF & LF
Low spurious signals -90 dBc
Avionics option available
Output Accuracy : 0.85dB

Option 003 - +19 dBm RF Output Level
  • 制造商: Aeroflex IFR
  • 模型: 2040-003