Spectrum Analyzers : Tektronix 492P-01-02-03


Tektronix 492P-01-02-03
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Spectrum Analyzer - The Tektronix 492P is a high performance, rugged, instrument of compact size, with microprocessor logic control.

The 492P is fullyl programmability via GPIB compatibility.

Three-knob operation provides use as simple as 1,2,3 through microprocessor coupled functions such as resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth, sweep time, frequency span, RF attenuation, and reference level.

Option 01 = Calibrated Internal Preselection. Filtering of input to first mixer for each frequency band
Option 02 = Digital Storage. With Save A, maximum hold, B minus Save A, display averaging, and storage bypass
Option 03 = Frequency Stabilization 100Hz Resolution. Provides first local oscillator stabilization by phase locking the oscillator to an internal reference.
  • 制造商: Tektronix
  • 模型: 492P-01-02-03