AC Sources Power Supplies : Chroma 6460


Chroma 6460 Programmable AC Source
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Programmable AC Source 6KVA (500V Output) Chroma 6460

  • Lowest cost programmable AC source
  • Designed for bench or ATE applications require line and frequency variations
  • 0-300VAC/45-1KHz/up to 9KVA single and three phase

Chroma's 6460 Series is designed for bench top and automated system applications requiring variations in line voltages and frequencies are a low cost. The 6400 series includes two voltage ranges (0-150VAC & 0-300VAC) as well as precision read backs for RMS voltage, RMS current, true power, frequency, and peak current crest factor.

The wide output voltage range of 0-300 VAC (0-500VAC for Model 6460) can be selected for either 0-150 VAC or 0-300 VAC, or set to auto-ranging output voltage. The 45-1000 Hz output frequency range provides excellent flexibility in a small compact unit with a great performance / cost ratio. The programmable current limit adds to the flexibility while reducing current flow potential for non-destructive testing easily.

Please Indicate Input Voltage when ordering [-220, -380].
  • 制造商: Chroma
  • 模型: 6460