Cable Testers : Megger CFL535E


Megger CFL535E
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Megger CFL535E/655535F TDR

The CFL535E / TDR2000 is an advanced instrument capable of identifying a wide range of cable faults. The instrument uses a technique called Pulse Echo (also known as Time Domain Reflectometry or TDR). A pulse is transmitted into a cable from one end. Any changes in cable impedance will cause a proportion of the pulse to be reflected. These reflections are displayed as a trace on the instrument.

The CFL535E / TDR2000 can be used on any cable consisting of at least two insulated metallic elements, one of which may be the armouring or screen of the cable.

Dual inputs and large graphic display allow a wide range of comparative tests to be performed between cable pairs and/or stored results.

The instrument has 15 memories, enabling test results to be displayed and compared with "live or real time" results.

The download feature allows transfer of waveform data to and from a computer, using the TraceMaster software, for analysis and storage for future reference.
  • 制造商: Megger
  • 模型: CFL535E