Frequency Counters : Fluke PM6681


Fluke PM6681 Frequency Counter
放大图片Fluke PM6681 Frequency Counter

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The Fluke PM 6681 timer/counter spans a frequency range of up to 8 GHz, which enables calibration of microwave links, communications and radar equipment. You can make frequency measurements accurately and easily, not only on continuous carrier waves, but also on burst signals.

With the high resolution/speed performance of 11 digits/s, these counters are ideal tools for frequency measurements on telecom systems. Time interval measurements down to 1ps average and 50 ps single shot are supported

Time base options
Time base options include TCXO, High Stability Oven, Very High Stability Oven and Rubidium, giving time base stability of better than 5 x 10-11 per month.

Measuring functions
Frequency, Frequency Burst, Period, Ratio, Time Interval, Pulse Width A, Rise and Fall Time A, Phase A-B, Duty Factor A, Totalize A,B and AC/DC Voltage.

  • 制造商: Fluke
  • 模型: PM6681