The Trilithic VF-4 Tunable Preselector re-selector Filter allows
you to improve the accuracy of your distortion tests by providing the
preselector needed to accurately measure composite triple beat, cross
modulation and other spurious signals in a working CATV system.
VF-4 filter blocks illegitimate signals which spectrum analyzers and
signal level meters can generate because of input overload and passes
only the carrier to be analyzed to the instrument's input. As a result,
a VF-4 can improve an instrument's reliable measurement range by as
much as 30 dB.
Improves measurement accuracy of distortion tests Compatible with all spectrum analyzers and meters 55-880 MHz operation
Extend the range and accuracy of fiber-optic measurements
Each unit is housed in a sturdy aluminum case with high "Q" plated cavities. These cavities are iris coupled and shielded to minimize RF leakage. A constant filter resfJonse is maintained from the low end of the tuning cycle to the high end by varying the loaded capacitance of each section inversely as the frequency is increased. The tuning arm is coupled directly to the driving mechanism which incorporates a precision vernier with a 6:1 ratio. An engraved dial which is calibrated directly in frequency indicates the center frequency of each filter response with resettability to within ?O.S%, thereby eliminating calibration charts or guesswork. With the excellent filtering characteristic of the VF bandpass series, they are ideally suited wherever precision laboratory measurements are required. They are used for noise and harmonic reduction, diplexing and channel selection, and wherever a high level of attenuation is required below and above the signal bane!