Counts to
550 MHz with /10 Prescale (50 Ohm Input).
Counting to 110 MHz
7 Digit
LED Display
Start/Stop (Totalize)
The DC 502 Digital COunter measures frequencies from 10 Hz to 55 MHz or
totalizes events up to the readout capacity of 10x7-1 at the max rate of 550
MHz. Frequency measurements are accomplished using on of two inputs. The
DIRECT INPUT has a frequency range of 10 Hz to 110 MHz, a 1 megohm input
impedance, 300 mV p-p sensitivity (100 mV rms sine wave) and an adjustable
trigger level range. The /10 PRESCALE INPUT has a frequency range from 50 MHz
to 550 MHz with a 500 mV p-p sensitivity (170 mV rms sine wave) and a 50 Ohm
input impedance. The manual totalizing mode with front panel start stop
control is available in both inputs; from the prescale input, 1 displayed
count per 10 input events will result. Measurement display is accomplished
with 7 segment LEDs in a seven digit readout. The decimal point is
automatically positioned by the measurement interval seleted, and leading
zeros ( those to the left of the most sig digit or those to the left of the
decimal point) are blanked. LEDs indicate when the gate is armed, and whether
displayed numbers are in kHz or MHz, and when register overflow occurs. Four
gate times of 0.01 s, 1.0 s, and 10 S are provided. A standard internal 1 MHz
clock is provided with 1x10-5 accuracy.