Mainframe Oscilloscopes : Agilent-Keysight 86100C-001


Agilent 86100C-001
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 86100C-001

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The Enhanced Trigger Option (Option 001) on the 86100C provides a fundamental capability never available before in an equivalent time sampling oscilloscope. This new triggering mechanism enables the DCA-J to generate a trigger at the repetition of the input data pattern - a pattern trigger. Historically, this capability required the pattern source to provide this type of trigger output to the scope. PatternLock automatically detects the pattern length, data rate and clock rate making the complex triggering mechanism transparent to the user.
PatternLock enables the 86100C to behave more like a real-time oscilloscope in terms of user experience. Investigation of specific bits within the data pattern is greatly simplified. Users that are familiar with real-time oscilloscopes, but perhaps less so with equivalent time sampling scopes will be able to ramp up quickly.

The 86100C Infiniium DCA-J can be viewed as four high-powered instruments in one:
A general-purpose wide-bandwidth sampling oscilloscope; the new PatternLock triggering significantly enhances the usability as a general purpose scope
A digital communications analyzer; the new Eyeline Mode feature adds a powerful new tool to eye diagram analysis
A time domain reflectometer
A jitter analyzer
Just select the instrument mode and start making measurements.
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 86100C-001